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Desexing Veterinary Service

Unless you are a registered breeder, you should desex your pet

There are many health and behavioral benefits to desexing your pet:

· Reduce the risk of some serious cancers. Breast cancer in females and prostate cancer in males

· Avoid serious infections of the uterus in females

· Prevent unwanted puppies & kittens

· Aggression and other negative behaviours can be prevented by desexing

· Stop indoor mess when females are in-season (bleeding)

Smaller pets like rabbits, guinea pigs and ferrets also benefit from desexing. Apart from unwanted pregnancy, it could save their life.

It’s important to discuss desexing with an OurVet doctor. They are happy to answer your questions and provide professional advice about your unique pet and circumstances. For excellent advice, they will need to know the breed, age, gender and dog/cat/bird/rabbit/guinea pig/ferret.


As always your pet’s safety & comfort are our highest priority, which is why all our desexing patients receive surgical fluid therapy and multiple modes of pain relief before, during and after the procedure.


Some pets may be eligible for implant sterilization. Speak to your nearest OurVet team for more information or book an appointment.

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Our Complete Care Wellness package includes 10% off the cost of desexing.